Special Report: How to Conduct a Reverse Sales and Use Tax Audit

Learn how to mitigate risk and improve compliance.

How to Conduct a Reverse Sales Tax Audit

Special Report Overview

As states and local taxing jurisdictions continue to expand their definitions of nexus, companies are at greater risk than ever of failing to comply with sales and use tax reporting requirements where they do business. One of the best ways your company can mitigate a sales and use tax audit is to conduct an audit in reverse. Reverse audits may reveal issues with sales and use tax reporting that companies might otherwise overlook.

In this special report, you will learn how to:

  • Assess your company's ability to comply with sales and use tax regulations,
  • Prepare your company for a reverse sales and use tax audit, and
  • Apply lessons learned from a reverse audit to identify concrete steps your finance team can take to mitigate risks of an actual sales and use tax audit.

Fill out the short form below to download the special report.

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