Pacific Rim Discussions Focus on Tax-Data Exchange

In the 2013 sci-fi movie “Pacific Rim,” humans and governments come together to battle legions of sea monsters.

I can safely report that the 2016 Pacific Rim Tax Institute conference featured less dramatic, more realistic scenes and dialogue. The mission of the Institute is to bring international tax policy and management issues to the forefront of corporate tax leaders and tax professionals, focusing on the Pacific Rim arena. Yet the purpose of the conference was also to bring together people and governments from around the world – to discuss issues and challenges related to BEPS compliance. Vertex was the Titanium Sponsor of the two-day event, which attracted roughly 150 global executives and government officials, including officials from the OECD and the IRS.

The conference provided a venue for Pacific Rim countries to talk about their most pressing tax issues and developments with OECD tax officials, multinational tax officers, and other tax experts. While some of the discussions were intense, the dialogue was constructive. The bulk of discussions focused on tax data transparency, privacy and security as it relates to BEPS compliance and the country-by-country reporting (CbCR) requirements in particular.

Given the importance of these issues – and the legions of tax data that will soon be exchanged between global companies and governments – this constructive dialogue will continue, and we will continue to support and participate in those sequels.

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John Viglione: SVP of Strategy at Vertex Inc. Vertex delivers the world’s most valued tax solutions for companies to connect, transact, and comply while growing their business.

John Viglione

Former Senior Vice President, Strategy

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As Senior Vice President of Strategy, John Viglione is responsible for the development of commercial and operational strategies, providing policy, industry, and trends analysis on issues affecting the organization, as well as business development and partner ventures.

John has in-depth knowledge of the software industry and is active in the technology and industry analyst community associated with global technology ecosystems. John initially joined Vertex as its Chief Technology Officer and led the vision for its flagship O Series technology, known today as Vertex Indirect Tax O Series, an on-premise, private, and public cloud technology platform.

Prior to joining Vertex, he spent more than 15 years within Fortune 500 companies, focusing on comprehensive enterprise IT initiatives.

John is an advisory board member of Penn State’s College of Information Sciences Technology (IST) and the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT), as well as a judge on PACT’s Enterprise Awards Committee. John earned a B.S. from St. Joseph’s University and an MBA from Penn State University. He is an author, frequent speaker, and advocate of new and emerging technologies.

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