Tax Functions NetSuite Users Can Automate with Vertex

Leverage Automation to Spend Less Time on Manual Tasks

A side-view of a tax professional sitting at her desk, looking at analytics on her computer. The woman is leaned forward in a casual interest of the information on her screen. The image is primarily composed of the blues, grays, and whites of her open-floor office space, with a glass wall behind her separating her workspace from another work room filled with computers set up similarly to her workspace.

Every hour spent updating tax content in NetSuite applications is an hour lost on other, more important parts of your business. Rather than having your tax and IT teams spend precious time on manual tasks — like researching tax changes and updating tax content across all NetSuite clouds — you can automate these processes (and more) by integrating a Vertex tax engine with your NetSuite applications. This guide reviews the functions you can automate for each application including:

  • An introduction on how a Vertex tax engine streamlines tax for NetSuite users 
  • Vertex for NetSuite SuiteTax 
  • Vertex for NetSuite Legacy  
  • As well as a short summary about the Vertex and NetSuite Partnership

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