Vertex Innovation Labs

Vertex Inc.

About the Vertex Innovation Labs

Vertex Innovation Labs focuses on exploring, learning, and iterating over new solutions to address market needs and ideas from our customers and partners. Collaborating with our customers is key to our methodology.

Strategic Approach & Methodology

Vertex Innovation Labs analyzes technology, business, and industry trends and discovers how emerging disruptors can resolve market pain points. The approach is an iterative learning model and it explores how jobs are done today and the problems they solve. It looks deeper into how the problems are changing and how new technologies can be leveraged to solve those problems in the future.

The process includes partnership opportunities to work with a variety of stakeholders, gather ongoing feedback, and incorporate discoveries into solutions to constantly generate value.

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Current Topics of Research & Discovery


Blockchain has given rise to new markets and new ways of connecting buyers and sellers⁠—such as value exchange and payments options based on general-purpose cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) or in special-purpose tokens exchangeable for goods and services (utility and stablecoin tokens). Central bank interest, the rapid emergence of these global digital assets, and the digitization of global trade have challenged existing jurisdictional approaches to regulation including taxation.

We are at the forefront of these trends exploring how Blockchain can be utilized to help implement and comply with regulation.


Regulations are constantly changing across jurisdictions globally. This focus area presents the opportunity for content aggregators to establish partnerships for the collection, classification, segmentation, and dissemination of raw and processed regulatory, financial, and tax content.


As the variety of products and services sold globally grows, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies offer opportunities to ease the burden of tax and other content and regulatory business areas.

Exploring the application of these technologies to automate aspects of tax and similar areas provides another means to address problems and pain points in business through technology. For example, artificial intelligence can improve tax product categorization to quickly assign the correct tax treatment.

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