Verbesserung der Steuervorgänge im Procure-to-Pay-Prozess

Vertex Tax Technology for Procurement

In dieser Infografik zeigen wir die Vorteile auf, von denen Experten aus Finanz-, Beschaffung- und IT-Abteilungen profitieren, wenn eine Tax Engine zu Ihrem Procure-to-Pay-Prozess hinzugefügt wird.

Mit der Implementierung von Steuertechnologie kommt Ihr Unternehmen in den Genuss einer Vielzahl von Vorteilen – von verbesserter Steuergenauigkeit für Ihre Steuerabteilung bis hin zu weniger Wartungsaufwand für Ihre IT-Teams.

How can you optimize tax in the P2P function?

Because tax engine functionality is more robust than native ERP or procurement systems, it increases accuracy and efficiency ― in addition to improving vendor relationships with streamlined invoice approval. A single tax engine supports multiple financial systems across sales and purchasing, improving scalability. And cloud deployment eliminates system hosting and maintenance, saving time and resources.

Tax team benefits:

  • Reduced need for in-house tax research
  • Improved tax accuracy
  • Enhanced scalability

Procurement team benefits: 

  • Automated and standardized tax coding
  • Increased accuracy and efficiency 
  • Improved vendor relationships

IT team benefits:

  • No need for continual tax updates
  • Improved scalability
  • No hosting and maintenance with cloud deployment

Why add a tax engine for procurement?

Integrate a tax engine to improve tax accuracy and streamline procurement processes. Learn how in this video.

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