Advanced Tax Automation Strategies


Compliance challenges and omnichannel adoption have driven tax automation breakthroughs. As indirect tax compliance grows increasingly complex, evolving regulations, increased audit scrutiny, and a shortage of tax professionals have resulted in more companies harnessing emerging tax automation technology to mitigate risk and scale for growth. Learn the latest best practices from industry experts at BDO and Vertex on: 

  • How to evaluate advanced automation tools (AI, RPA, machine learning) to streamline sales and use tax compliance
  • Importance of aligning necessary internal stakeholders (Finance, Tax, IT) throughout digital transformation and ERP upgrades
  • Best practices for success throughout the tax lifecycle from discovery to implementation
  • How tax automation can support multinational growth and global compliance

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Explore Our Partnership with BDO

Our alliance with BDO helps organizations leverage our best-in-class technology built to save time, effort, and risk associated with indirect tax calculation, returns, remittance, and compliance.

Technology Implementation for Tax Automation Software